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Finding your home / Submitting an offer / Escrow

You have found out what you can afford, you have your down payment and closing cost in saving so now it’s off to the home search. You have been searching websites and tearing pictures out of magazines with ideas. It’s a natural tendency to set expectations. We have covered what you specifically want in a home but now the search is one for the home that makes you smile as you walk through it. It’s a hard job for me to find you that perfect home and I will do my best to fulfill those dreams.

Once we find your home we sit down and write a Purchase Offer to the Sellers.

It is my job to make sure you are clear with your expectations as to price, down payment, financing, time frame for inspections, appraisal, and closing date. When your offer is accepted, I will submit the paperwork to Escrow and you will bring in a check or wire money to the Escrow Company to establish the Opening of Escrow. You have three days after acceptance to get your money into Escrow. I will send a copy of the accepted offer to your loan officer and the bank schedules the appraisal. We will set up a home inspection that you will attend. The report should be ready in less than 24 hours.

We will go over the report and decide what repairs if any, you want the seller to address. Once repairs are done, your appraisal is in and all paperwork escrow and your bank have requested are done you should be ready to close. I will make sure everyone stays on task to close on time.

Then the exciting part, all the paperwork is signed, the loan has been funded and recorded at the County and you get the keys to your new home.

Welcome, Home.