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How much can you afford ?

Contrary to popular myth, not every loan requires 20% as a down payment.

There are options for:

  • Zero down like Veterans Administration. (VA)
  • 3-5% down using Federal Housing Administration. (FHA)
  • 10%+ on conventional loans offered by a multitude of lenders in the market.

Understanding what you can afford is vital information BEFORE you start your home search. You can get a Pre-Qualify which is usually an estimate over the phone giving your basic information and that’s a start. The best option is the Pre-approval process is where you take the time to speak with a lender, and turn in requested paperwork, your income, credit, and debt are reviewed along with the money you have for a down payment and closing costs. This can take several days but you will be in a better position to get out there and find your Dream Home within your budget.

Lydia Buchanan does not endorse any of the products or vendors referenced on this material. Any mention of vendors, products or services is for informational purposes only.